New album 'Sacred Planet?' (2023)
£13 including sticker, badge and P&P
please email Ade to order

All orders now come with this pretty cool badge
We have a limited number of small, medium, large & extra large t-shirts tees available.
Three great new designs.
Album cover design black T's (S & XL only) and grey red-star T's (S & L only) are £15 , coming home red T (S, M & L only) is £12, prices inclusive of postage
please email Ade to order

The Day have been fortunate enough to have historically released 8 singles and 6 albums.
The majority are no longer available but subsequent to The Day Awakening we have found a hidden stash
More Songs About Love & War (2004 re-release of 1992 album with 9 bonus tracks)
7 of the bonus tracks feature Davie on guitar, from the current line-up, recorded 1987-8 from his first tour of Day duty.
Everything Matters (2005 album)
Nettle (2002 single)
Recorded fruits of the Steve and Chris era.
How does 2 CD albums and a CD single for £12 inc. p&p sound?
if interested please email Ade

Black logo T's now sold out

Pics: our friend Charlie in his Daywear and a shot of his Day collection